Home News US lawmakers seek ways to protect children on social media

US lawmakers seek ways to protect children on social media


amplifier: Something (usually a device) that increases the strength of a signal. For example, amplifiers are often attached to electric guitars to make them louder.

concern: A nervous response to events that cause excessive discomfort and apprehension. Anxious individuals may even develop panic attacks.

bullying: (v. to bully) a group of repeated behaviors that are unsettling. This can include bullying, spreading rumors about someone, saying hurtful things to someone, and intentionally keeping someone out of a group or activity. Sometimes bullying can include attacks using violence (such as hitting), threats of violence, shouting at someone or using violent language. Much bullying takes place in private. But it can also happen online, via email or text message. More recent examples include people creating fake profiles on websites or posting embarrassing pictures or videos on social media.

critical thinking: Sometimes described as a scientific attitude of mind, it is the careful and investigative consideration of a belief, alleged truth, idea, or value based on available data or experience—and then using that evaluation to reach some conclusion.

depression: (in medicine) a mental disorder characterized by persistent sadness and apathy. Although these feelings can be triggered by events, such as the death of a loved one or moving to a new city, it is not usually considered an “illness”—unless the symptoms are prolonged and impair a person’s ability to perform normal daily activities. Activities (such as working, sleeping or interacting with others). People suffering from depression often feel that they lack the energy they need to do anything. They may have difficulty concentrating on things or showing interest in normal events. Many times, these feelings seem to be triggered by nothing; They can appear anywhere.

Bikash: arising or creating naturally or through human intervention, such as by production. (in biology) To grow as an organism from conception through adulthood, often with changes in chemistry, size, mental maturity, or sometimes even shape.

Digital: (in computer science and engineering) an adjective denoting that something is developed numerically in a computer or other electronic device, based on a binary system (where all numbers are displayed using only a series of zeros and ones).

disease: (in medicine) A condition in which the body does not function properly, which can be seen as an illness. This term can sometimes be used interchangeably with disease.

eating disorder: An illness of the mind that involves eating dangerously unhealthy foods and losing or gaining weight.

Exploitation: (verb: to exploit) to take advantage of one or more people for personal gain. Examples may include making people work for little or no pay, making people work under threat of harm, or tricking people into giving up something of value.

inherent: adjective of something that is suggested but not directly stated. In some cases, it can be used to convey the idea that some concept is so obvious that it does not need to be stated directly.

link: A connection between two persons or things.

Media Rate: Ability to analyze and critique news, information and other messages on various communication platforms.

mental health: A term for one’s mental, psychological and social well-being. It refers to how people behave themselves and how they interact with others. It includes how people make choices, manage stress, and manage fear or anxiety. Poor mental health can be triggered by illness or reflect a short-term response to life challenges. It can occur in people of any age from children to the elderly.

Monitor: to test, sample, or look at something, especially on a regular or ongoing basis.

Online: (n.) on the Internet. (adj.) A term for anything that can be found or accessed on the Internet.

hunter: (adjective: predator) An animal that hunts other animals for most or all of its food.

psychologist: A scientist or mental-health professional who studies the mind, especially as it relates to action and behavior. Work with some people. Others may experiment with animals (usually rats) to see how their minds respond to different stimuli and conditions.

the risk: the chance or mathematical probability that some bad thing can happen. For example, exposure to radiation creates a risk of cancer. Or the danger – or danger – itself. (In this case: Among the cancer risks humans were exposed to were radiation and drinking water containing arsenic.)

self harm: Intentionally hurting someone’s body. Examples may include cutting, scratching, or burning yourself. This unhealthy behavior is usually a way that this person tries to cope with emotional pain. It is not usually intended as a suicide attempt. Also known as self-harm.

social media: Digital media that allow people to connect with each other (often anonymously) and share information. Examples include Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and WhatsApp.

Survey: to see, examine, measure, or evaluate something, often land or broad aspects of a landscape. (of people) asking questions that gather information on opinions, practices (such as dining or sleeping habits), knowledge, or skills. Researchers select the number and types of people to question in the hope that the answers these people give will be representative of others who are their age, belong to the same ethnic group, or live in the same region. (n.) List of questions that will be asked to collect that data.

Technology: the application of scientific knowledge to practical purposes, especially in industry — or the devices, processes, and systems that result from those efforts.

Twitter: Old name for an online social network that allows users to post messages of no more than 280 characters (As of November 2017, the limit was only 140 characters.) Elon Musk, who bought the site in 2022, changed its name to X in mid-2023.

web: (in computing) Abbreviation for World Wide Web, a slang term for the Internet.


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